A Rant About Album First Listens

Music albums should be listened to in their entirety without interruption per the order of the track list. I get super bothered when I hear about people abandoning that attitude.

I’m not sure what bothers me more: people that shuffle an album on first listening or those that play it mindlessly.


What the hell is the point of putting on new music just to half-listen it?

Why the fuck are you shuffling an album on the first play?

I can accept not being able to listen to an entire music project in one sitting, but I would hope one could make time to finish it within a day, at least.

Though I’m not a musician of any kind, I respect the art of music. I believe that a lot of music artists put their hearts into their craft, and deserve to have that intentionally organized track list of their audible artwork listened to with respect.

So if you’re playing an album for the first time for background noise, skip interludes, and/or shuffle the music tracks, I despise you.

You are a disrespectful plebeian and I hope your ear buds and/or headphones snap in half the next time you decide to treat a first listen like it’s an overplayed Top 40 hit.

Fight me.

[End of rant]

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

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