Weekend Ravings

My fiancé and went away to visit a nearby area in Maryland last weekend. It was a much needed getaway for the both of us, and we utilized the time to rebuild parts of our connection that had weakened. We are both happier, still in love, and determined to grow together while honoring our individual needs.

First we had lunch at a lovely marina, where we enjoyed awesome food and libations. I ordered a mudslide, since I hadn’t had one in ages, and it didn’t disappoint. It was cool seeing all of the different boats, and we witnessed the entry of a cargo ship, which blew our minds due to it’s vast size. Sitting by the water refreshed our spirits, and we dreamed about owning a small boat to spend our free time on in the future. If we’re able to buy a home together, than surely we can manage to own a modest boat…but until then, we’ll dream until we’re ready to plan.

After lunch, we strolled around the marina and spotted a large gorgeous green grasshopper. I hadn’t seen one in awhile, and I appreciated it. I get a thrill from spotting urban wildlife like that, so of course I snapped a photo. I may post it on my IG account sometime this week.

The day continued by touching the road and heading to the hotel we were staying at for the night. Our driving soundtrack was Drake’s new album, Certified Lover Boy, which neither of us had listened to prior; I saved it for us to share, to have that moment to enhance our trip. We finished the album in record time, the last track played while we parked at the hotel.

Before chilling in the hotel room, I took in the sight of ravens that were hanging out around the parking area; I’d never seen them before, and they were beautiful! I like crows, but ravens are higher on my bird meter now. The glossy black feathers got me!

My love and I hit the road again to another city for dinner at Jalapeños. Dinner was delicious, but neither of us could finish it all in one sitting. Sadly, we forgot to grab the leftovers before heading home the next day. 🤦‍♀️

Upon the return home, we watched the latest Fluffy comedy special on Netflix, then took a walk around the neighborhood, something we do regularly when the weather is favorable. Later, we asked each other intimate questions, courtesy of Bustle, in an effort to build up our connection. We were both satisfied with one anther’s responses.

It may be awhile before we go on another getaway since summertime is waning and the COVID-19 pandemic is still raging, but I’m looking forward to our next adventure as a couple.

Honestly didn’t think I’d ever feel that way, considering.

Seasons change, and so did I.

Photo by Naveen Kingsly on Unsplash

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